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Q. Is it true that eating meat makes the environment worse? ??

A. Beef flatulence and belching accelerate global warming.

It's a theory that sounds crazy, but it's a fact. One cow releases as "burp" or "flatulence"

The amount of methane gas amounts to 160-320 liters a day.

With the emergence of legislation requiring farm owners to reduce methane gas emissions

Researchers aim to "gasify" cattle

He continues to explore all possibilities, from seaweed feed to genetics.

Greenhouse gas emissions related to eating habits are said to be the highest related to meat consumption. For pork

Emissions per kilogram of meat from which bones and other substances are lined up at retail stores are estimated to be approximately 7.8 kilograms in terms of CO2.

This is the sum of emissions from processes such as food production, breeding, and slaughter.

After that, about 3.3 kg will be discharged before it is sold at retail stores.

It ’s hard to grow meat

It makes the environment worse by the time you eat it ... This is the fear of meat.

Q. Is it true that eating meat makes the environment worse? ??

A. To find out how much eating meat leads to greenhouse gas emissions

A trial calculation was made to convert it to the amount of gasoline used.

That is Table 1 on the right.



The result is that pork is at least about 40 liters of gasoline,

The beef was about 60 liters .

The amount of chicken discharged per kilogram is estimated to be about 20 liters , assuming that it is about half that of pigs.

However, this is considered to be more in reality because the gas emitted during distribution is not converted.

Table 1

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